The Billionaire's Sub Read online

Page 12

  “Yes?” I was planning on sticking to one word questions and answers until I was sure I could speak in a steady voice.

  “We found your sister.”

  My knees almost buckled and I put my hand on the doorframe to catch myself. I closed my eyes, focusing on the next words the detective said.

  “She’s okay.”

  I would’ve gone to the floor if a pair of strong arms hadn’t wrapped around me just then and held me up. Tears streamed down my face as I forced myself to keep listening. There was more.

  “She appears unhurt, but we sent her to the hospital just in case. She’s at Unity Medical Center in West Hollywood. Emmalyn Baxter and Howie Pant were both arrested at the scene.”

  There was silence, and I knew he was waiting for me to speak. Finally, I managed to get words out around the lump in my throat. “Thank you.”

  “Good day, Miss Breckenridge.”

  He ended the call before I could reply, though I wasn’t sure if that was just his usual style or because he was annoyed at me. Honestly, I really didn’t care. Only one thing mattered right now.

  Juliette was alive.

  “Hanna, sweetheart, talk to me.” Cross’ voice broke through.

  I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with concern on his face. He was still holding me up, which I appreciated since I was pretty sure that any attempt to stand on my own would be futile at the moment.

  “They found her. She’s okay.”

  A rush of relief went across his face. “Where is she?”

  “Unity Medical Center,” I repeated what the detective had told me.

  Cross nodded. “I know where that is. Do you need to get anything?”

  I just stared at him, not understanding the question.

  “Before I take you to see your sister,” he added. He pulled me tight against his chest, and I leaned into him. “I’m so glad she’s all right.”

  I nodded, then sniffled. I didn’t want to cry right now. I knew I would once I saw Juliette, and I really didn’t need a head-start. Cross smoothed down my hair, and I thought I felt him kiss the top of my head.

  “I’m ready to go whenever you are,” he said, breaking the silence. He gave a soft chuckle. “Though I’m not opposed to staying like this for a while either.”

  I smiled, his statement warming me. I couldn’t tell him, however, that I liked how his arms felt around me too. I needed to see my sister first, see for myself that she wasn’t hurt.

  Then I could worry about what was happening between Cross and I.

  “Let’s go,” I said suddenly. “I just need my shoes.”

  He nodded, releasing me from his embrace. Less than five minutes later, we were on our way to the hospital. He held my hand during the ride, but the only thing spoken was me telling him that Emmalyn and Howie had been arrested. After that, things were quiet. I didn’t know if Cross was giving me my space, or if he was thinking, but he didn’t look at me.

  I didn’t see a police car when we pulled into the parking lot, but I knew that didn’t necessarily mean they weren’t there. I knew Juliette would have to give an official statement, spend time going over and over what happened to her, which meant that, even if she was medically cleared, it might be a while before we got back to the apartment.

  “You don’t need to come with me,” I said as Cross opened the door. “I don’t know how long we’ll be here.”

  He stopped with one foot out the door and looked back at me, his blank face back on. “Is that what you want?”

  I knew I should say no. Thank him for staying with me, and for all of the work his PI had done, then tell him that I was fine to do this alone. And I could do it alone. Walk in, ask for my sister’s room. I could stand by her through questioning, take her home and take care of her. I could tell him that we’d talk later, and leave it up to him if and when to call me.

  That would be the best thing to do. Break things off before he did.

  Except I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said last night when he thought I was asleep. And I knew that if I asked him to go, I wouldn’t see him again. We’d have our talk, but it’d be over the phone, and it would only be him telling me that what we had was over.

  I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted with him, but I knew it wasn’t some blow-off.

  “I’d like you to stay,” I said honestly. “But only if you want to.”

  His eyes met mine for a moment. “I want to.”

  I pushed aside the confusing emotions that wanted to come forward. This wasn’t the time or the place.

  Cross fell into step next to me as I walked toward the front doors. When we stopped at the front desk, his hand settled on the small of my back.

  “I’m here to see my sister,” I said to the older woman behind the desk. “Juliette Breckenridge.”

  Her eyes widened slightly, and I knew she must have heard what’d happened. “Of course. The detectives said you’d be coming.”

  She gave us quick directions, and we followed them, arriving on the correct floor a few minutes later. It would’ve been easy to find Juliette’s room even if we hadn’t had directions. Detective Bison was standing outside the door next to a young-looking cop in uniform.

  “Miss Breckenridge,” the detective said as he saw me. “The doctor’s in with your sister right now, finishing up some questions.” He glanced at Cross. “Mr. Phillips.”

  “Detective.” Cross nodded but didn’t say anything else.

  There was a moment of awkward silence before Detective Bison sighed. “I’m just going to come out and say it. Your PI gave us the lead that helped us find Miss Breckenridge. So, thanks.”

  He didn’t exactly sound grateful, but it was something.

  Cross nodded again, and I felt his fingers flex against my back. We were facing another of those awkward pauses when the door opened and a tall, thin man stepped out. Detective Bison made as if to step toward the doctor, but Cross moved between them, effectively putting me closer to the physician.

  “I’m Juliette’s sister,” I said. “Can I see her?”

  He nodded. “We’ve given her a mild sedative to help her relax, so she might be a bit groggy.”

  “Can I ask her some questions?” Detective Bison spoke up.

  The doctor glanced at the cop. “Is it imperative you get her statement right away?”

  “You do have Emmalyn and Howie in custody, right?” I asked.

  “We do,” Detective Bison didn’t look pleased. “I guess it could wait.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I’ll make sure she comes in first thing tomorrow to give a full statement.”

  He nodded at me, then walked away.

  “Miss Breckenridge,” the doctor spoke to me again. “I would like to keep your sister for a twenty-four-hour observation. She isn’t too keen on the idea, but if you could convince her.”

  I gave a half smile. “I’ll do my best, but she’s not really the type to listen to anyone when she gets her mind set on something.” I gave Cross a quick glance. “Some people are like that.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  Juliette was sitting up in bed when I walked into the room. Cross was trailing behind me, but I kept my eyes on my sister. The tears started before I took half a dozen steps, and by the time I had my arms around her, I was sobbing.

  “I’m okay,” she said. She kept saying it even as we clung to each other, and I held onto the words as much as her. She wouldn’t lie to me, not even about something like this.

  I wasn’t sure how long we were hugging, only that when I finally let go of her, I felt better than I had in a long time. Cross had offered reprieves, but there’d always been a part of me that had been holding onto Juliette’s disappearance. That part was gone now.

  “The doctor said...” I frowned as I saw Juliette’s eyes dart over my shoulder, then widen. I followed her gaze, and saw Cross standing there, watching the two of us. When I turned back to her, she wasn’t looking at him anymore.

What’s going on, Hanna?” Her voice was firm and all traces of its former warmth was gone. Whatever the doctor had given her wasn’t doing anything to relax her right now.

  “Cross has been staying with me...” I paused, then corrected myself. “Actually, I’ve been staying with him. He’s been...helping me while all this has been going on.”

  “Helping?” She started to cross her arms, then scowled at the IV pulling at the back of her hand. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means,” Cross spoke as he stepped up next to me. “That your sister gave me the privilege of her company while you were gone.”

  She looked at me, the expression in her eyes clearly saying that she didn’t approve.

  Apparently, we were going to do this now. “Cross, will you give me a minute with my sister?”

  “Of course.” He started to step away, then paused. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “I’ll wait outside.”

  I nodded.

  “What the hell, Hanna?” Juliette asked as soon as the door closed. “I’m gone for a week and–”

  “You weren’t ‘gone,’ Juliette,” I interrupted. “You were kidnapped. I was drugged. It–”

  “You’d been what?!”


  I shook my head. “I thought the detectives told you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “No. They pretty much just told me what I already knew. My bitch of an assistant teamed up with my psycho stalker to kidnap me.”

  I almost smiled. It didn’t really surprise me that this was my sister’s reaction to everything that happened. That was just the kind of person she was. I also knew that if I looked at all amused, she’d bite my head off.

  “The same night you were kidnapped, someone at the club drugged me. I haven’t heard if they figured out who yet, but when I went to leave the club, I was dizzy, way more than I should’ve been with what I’d drank. I was trying to catch a cab when Cross pulled up. He took care of me.”

  “I’m sure he did.” Juliette’s voice was dry.

  I flushed, but didn’t look away. “Yes, I’ve slept with Cross Phillips. Yes, he’s been...teaching me some things. None of that is the point.”

  “I told you to stay away from him.”

  I gave her a hard look. “I don’t want to.”

  She held my gaze for a long minute, then sighed. “He’s going to break your heart, Hanna. You’re not cut out for this sort of life.”

  I reached for the hand without the IV and gave it a squeeze. “Maybe he will, but I’m hoping he doesn’t.”

  She shook her head. “I hope you know what you’re getting into, little sister. I’d hate to have to beat the shit out of one of the richest men in Hollywood.”

  I chuckled and squeezed her hand again. The lump in my throat was back. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  She smiled at me. “Me, too.” Then she shifted in the bed, squaring her shoulders as if preparing herself for something. “Now, what have you told Mom and Dad?”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Everything all right?”

  Cross’ tone was as deceptively casual as his pose, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He was trying to make it seem like whatever happened next, he was okay with it. And I might’ve fallen for it.

  If I hadn’t heard his confession last night.

  I nodded. “I explained to her what happened between us.”

  He pushed himself off the wall. “And how exactly did you do that?”

  I walked over to him, closing the distance until I was less than a foot away. “I don’t think that’s really what you want to know.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “It’s not?”

  I shook my head and took another step. I put my hand on his chest and felt the now-familiar beat of his heart.

  “I think you want to know what the hell you’re going to do with me.” I slid my hand up his chest and around the back of his neck. “Yours wasn’t the only world turned upside-down this week, Cross.”

  His eyes widened a fraction, then narrowed. “You heard me.”

  I nodded. “I did.”

  He tensed, and I knew he was going to pull away.

  “I don’t need you to protect me from you, Cross.” I kept my voice quiet. “I trust you. Completely.”

  He reached up, cupped the side of my face, both of us all but oblivious to the fact that we were standing in a hospital hallway.

  “Hanna, you have no idea how much I want you.” He shook his head. “But being with me–”

  “Lover or partner?” I asked.

  “What?” He seemed startled by my question.

  “Do you want me for a lover, or just a sexual partner?” I asked the question more specifically. “Because I know what I want.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to be a part of your world,” I said and exhaled the breath I’d been holding. “For as long as you’ll have me.”


  I knew Juliette was still skeptical, but she behaved herself around Cross, which is what mattered. The guy she’d been seeing for the past two weeks was helping things. He’d applied to be her assistant, but she’d declined to hire him, asking him out instead. I really liked him, and was hoping they’d last.

  It had been a month since Juliette had been found, and things in Hollywood were starting to feel a lot more like home. We eventually told our parents what happened, or at least a sanitized version of it. Much like the sanitized version everyone got of my relationship with Cross.

  That was splashed everywhere.

  Cross and I weren’t just meeting at his house, at the club, or wherever we could find a place to have some fun. We were dating. It was weird for him, something he’d had to get used to, but we’d both had our learning curves. Mine had been with the media. I’d never realized how interested people would be in who someone like Cross was dating. And people were interested. Our picture was taken everywhere. Reporters shouted questions, wanted to know how we’d met, how serious we were.

  The first question had a practiced answer that we’d given to a magazine as an official interview. The second question was one we were still trying to figure out. Neither of us had expressed an interest in any other partners, but we also hadn’t officially discussed it.

  I was okay with that though. We could go at any pace he was comfortable with.

  And I refused to think about it tonight.

  We were going out, and I intended to have fun. It would be the first time Cross, Juliette, Michael, and myself would all be going to the club together. Juliette hadn’t wanted to go the nights Cross and I went. It was still weird for her to think of me being his Submissive. Then I’d pointed out that it was just as strange for me to see her as someone’s Dominant, and that’d ended the conversation.

  I bought a new dress for tonight. Juliette had even helped me pick it out. A deep, rich purple, it complimented both my eyes and my hair. It also showed off quite a bit of skin. The hem ended just below my ass, and the neckline plunged to the base of my ribcage. It clung to every curve, and went perfectly with my new four-inch heels.

  I was just finishing up my make-up when someone knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” I called, fully expecting it to be Juliette needing assistance with the zipper on her dress.

  Instead, it was Cross. He took two steps into the bedroom and stopped, staring at me. “Wow.”

  I grinned as I turned around. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “As you should,” he said.

  He closed the door behind him without taking his eyes off of me. “I’m not sure I want to go out tonight.”

  One look at the heat on his face and I knew what he meant.

  “You walk into the club looking like that, and I’ll have to beat the shit out of the first guy who tries to hit on you.” He brought his hands out from behind his back. “Or...”

  “Or?” I asked.

  “Or we could just make sure everyone already knows that you
’re taken.” He held out his hand.

  It took me a moment to recognize what it was because it didn’t look like anything I would’ve imagined. This was delicate silver, twisted into a stylish choker that could be worn in public without anyone realizing what it really was.

  A collar.

  I might’ve been fairly new to the lifestyle, but I knew what a collar meant, especially to someone like Cross.

  When I raised my eyes to meet his, I saw the myriad emotions playing across those slate gray depths. What I didn’t see was doubt. He wanted this, he just wasn’t sure that I did.

  I turned around and bent my head slightly. “Please.”

  The metal was cool against my skin, but it was the brush of Cross’ fingers that made me shiver. He fastened it, then put his hands on my shoulders, bending his head so his lips would be near my ear.

  “You understand what this means?”

  “It shows everyone that I’m yours,” I answered simply.

  “And are you?”

  I turned around to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his. “As much of me as you want.”

  He rested his forehead against mine as his arms slid around my waist. “All of you, Hanna. I want all of you.”

  I brushed my lips across his. “You have me.”

  He gave me that half-smile that made everything inside me go hot and throbbing. “Not yet.” His eyes slid toward the bed. “But if we have the time...”

  “Fifteen minutes?”

  He grinned. “I can work with a deadline.”

  He kissed me then, hard and fast, sending arousal rushing through me.

  For the past month, it felt like we were in a whirlwind, like I’d fallen into this thing by accident, and that I’d wake up one day and realize that the two of us didn’t belong together.

  But now, as he bent me over the bed, pushed my dress up around my waist, I knew that it hadn’t been an accident. The two of us were meant to be together.

  He sank inside me with a groan and leaned down to kiss the side of my neck.

  “I love you.”

  I reached up, brushing my fingers over the collar before reaching back to grasp the hand on my hip as he began to thrust into me. It would be quick this time, but later, we would take our time. And we had time.


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